Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Guy Clark
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sports served it's purpose

Nathan Rogers - Home Routes
Monday, March 9, 2009

I am off to the BC K2 Provincials with Hannah tomorrow. And regardless of the results, this ski racing season has delivered, once again, proof that being involved in competitive sports is great for the development of a child's self-confidence, maturity and so many other aspects of their lives.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Christmas 2000 poem

Oh no. Not another tacky Christmas poem from the Watsons
We’ve had a Merry old time
Since our last Christmas rhyme.
And we hope the season finds you
Without A reason to feel blue.
So now, the Happy news let us relate
The activities old and New so great.
(Was there enough news in the Year
To do a whole page like this? – No fear).
Of all the well developed proclivities
Of our family towards outdoor activities,
From skiing to camping to hiking,
We really enjoyed our trips sea kayaking.
For the tenth anniversary of their wedding
Neil and Wanda to
We had so much fun travelling by kayak
We wanted the girls to try it when we got back.
So this summer we hopped in the car and
Headed to the west coast of
In the greater vicinity of Barkley Sound.
Where seals and Gray Whales abound.
Despite rookie mistakes somewhat humbling
We overcame all our beginner’s bumbling.
Due to our partnership with the family Wood.
Everything turned out as a dream vacation should.
If since the summer to us you’ve spoken
You’ll have heard of the group of islands Broken
Of all the stories with which our friends we regale
The most exciting is when we saw a Gray Whale.
One of the things our girls think mighty fine
Is anything slightly related to matters equine.
What we refer to, I’m sure you know this of course,
Is that Heather has taken up riding a horse.
So now our dinner time back and forth banter
Is taken up by discussions on how to canter
And the topic that comes up second most
Is how to properly tack up and post.
A sure sign time continues its parade
Is that your baby begins the first grade
Into Hannah’s head Mrs. J has been feeding
The essentials of counting and reading.
This means, as you can plainly see,
That Heather is now in grade three.
She does the home work she oughter.
But she would rather read Harry Potter
Our dog has needed lots of veterinary care.
From hormones, to help a patch of missing hair,
To glaucoma and tendonitis of the shoulder
(Poor Kayla is getting a little bit older.)
Part of each of the girls’ birthday wishes
Was for their very own Siamese Fighting Fishes.
With names like Starfire and Moon you’d figure
These fishes would be an awful lot bigger.
To the workplace Wanda’s thoughts sometimes roam
During her first whole year full time at home.
But no job could provide such lovely pearls
As spending all this special time with her girls.
The latest from our downhill skiing scene
Is Heather’s success in Nancy Greene.
She has shown much courage and pluck
While learning to schuss and to tuck.
Not one to be happy with second place,
Hannah too will be putting on her race face.
She set joining Nancy Greene as one of her goals
In return for earning her first set of ski poles.
Wanda is planning a trip to
But of the slots she is planning to play nada.
This lady’s idea of hedonistic desert fun
Is doing her second marathon run.
In March we moved to our new home in Kelvin Grove
Which has an ensuite with fixtures coloured mauve.
The need for renovations really started to peak
Once we found out the bathroom had a leak.
Wanda puts up with my rhymes somewhat punny
But doesn’t think the previous stanza at all funny.
But our house purchase will again seem sunny
Given the judicious application of lots of money.
We would like to end with a sentiment already told
By words previously outlined to you in letters bold.
And wish you on the eve of the millennium’s first year
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Christmas 2002
We don’t mean to make your Christmas blue,
But we wanted to update you on our 2002.
And we hope this annual spam
Won’t automatically end up in the garbage can.
There isn’t enough room for us to sing
The praises of a Disney World trip this spring
But everyone’s demands keep mountin’
To tell of our ride on
Unless she thinks you plan to muss her hair.
And her tongue really started to lash
When she saw why the mountain is called Splash
The next week, if you please,
Was spent in the
Some might prefer to have gone golfin’,
But we went swimming with dolphins.
Here, about Neil’s knee, is the skinny.
He was in the clear to ski, play tennis and shinny
Since all this hasn’t changed his ability to skate.
Perhaps at hockey he isn’t all that great.
Here is a story you’ll really like.
Wanda took a course on how to mountain bike.
While it did clear up some downhill confusions.
Several falls resulted in magnificent contusions.
You must know of Kayla our loveable mutt.
Well, her hair hasn’t come back since her spring cut
So that people don’t think we are Samoyed owners careless.
We tell them her breed is Siberian Hairless.
Glub, glub, glub.
The girls have joined a swim club.
Now their breast and back stroke
Are nothing of which to joke.
Once again we went to the coast
Where we enjoy our vacations the most.
The island called Saltspring
Is the latest for which we have a thing.
Heather is fast approaching 5 feet.
Which is really quite neat.
But as she grows and grows
She has begun to wear Mum’s clothes.
Hannah has really begun to flower.
As she reads Harry Potter by the hour.
Soon she too will start to probe
The depths of Wanda’s wardrobe.
As you may very well know
Fernie has next to no snow.
Let’s cheer on the coming of the Grizz,
And hope he hasn’t lost his fizz.
Well that’s the end of our Christmas epistle.
And you probably want to whistle
On reaching the end of his literary gristle
And news of all the Watson drivel.
Friday, February 13, 2009
2007 Christmas poem

Whether for this you love us or hate us
You noticed the poem took a one year hiatus
We are back this year, in force
With rhymes both fine and coarse
While there aren’t exactly any new faces
It seems like it since the girls no longer have braces.
That, however, isn’t the end of all of the pain
Since for this Mum and Dad still are a’ payin’
This year we went kayaking for another loop
Through the Broken Islands Group
Dang! Everyone one became a fan
Of Gomer’s best gal Dana Ann.
Despite worries about if she could keep up
Outside of a double kayak set-up
Heather for the first time paddled solo
Instead we had to implore her to go slow-o
Everyday when we would set out
Hannah would slip the word out
That when we return in a year
She too wants to use the single gear
So the family with whom we paddle
Are under pressure to get back in the saddle
And review all of their camping stuff
To make sure it is totally up to snuff.
Hannah showed lots of soccer smarts
Playing for the Chinooks Benefica and Hearts
Heather also had a really good season of socca
Playing for a team called the Chinooks Boca.
To ski even more, we decided to buy a boat
The best we can say is that it does float
The manufacturer called it an American Eagle
Its initial behaviour was a little less than regal.
After some repairs to the motor
Doing things such as replacing the rotor
Along with a new marine battery
The comments sounded more like flattery.
Wanda ran a marathon in
In hopes of a very special memento
She didn’t fulfill her Boson qualifying quest
But by thirteen minutes she set a personal best
As a Junior High School graduation gift
Heather went sailing on the Pacific Swift
Up the Inside Passage from
For her it was a week long party.
Of course we are ready to start skiing
And a lot of internet time is spent on seeing
In an effort for us to be knowing
When it is going to really start snowing.
Wanda billed more than an hour or two
Consulting at a company named Caribou
She is ready to again hang out her shingle
And wait for the phone to begin to jingle.
Now that our labradoodle has turned three
We think we are really beginning to see
That she has, at least a little bit, settled down
And acts like less of a lovable clown
She will still swim for hours, given a chance
And on long walks loves to bounce and prance
Who do we think we are kidding?
She still only occasionally does our bidding.
Neil, late in November last fall,
Went to a hockey tournament in
The experience was really quite a blast
Despite the team coming in dead last
The other news he has worth confiding
Is that he is keeping up his bicycle riding
And everyday he really tries and tries
To fit in some worthwhile exercise.
And that ends this year in review
All that is left is for us to wish you
The best of the Season’s Greetings
Till our next poetic meeting.
2008 Christmas poem
If Christmas music on your nerves does grate,
As we reach the final weeks of 2008
The Watsons are here to add to your woes
With this year’s compendium in bad prose.
Heather had her first experience at working.
Encroaching adulthood continues to be lurking.
She spent the entire week of Stampede
Serving lots of cowpokes their feed.
A lot of kids go to swim at summer camp.
Hannah prefers frozen water; that scamp.
She went glacier skiing at
These kids are lucky, gosh darn ‘em.
As you may very well already know
This season in Fernie there was lots of snow.
Hannah was the only person this did rankle
Because she was at home with a broken ankle.
Jim and Audrey came for a month long visit
Their first trip to the West Coast was exquisite.
While we did our best to show ‘em
How this could be their new home.
Heather went to sea once again with SALTS
And the trip had similarly enjoyable results.
Sailing from Port Hardy to Ucluelet
Was another trip she will never forget.
The rest of us went kayaking near
Sightings of orcas to hopefully relate.
Though none were seen, their presence was known
By hearing them spouting and on the hydrophone.
James and Robin with Spirit Of The West
Are guides we would describe as the best.
And we enjoyed meeting the rest of the crew
Amongst them Welsh Pen & Sel and Aussie Drew.
And best wishes to Catherine and Patrick all the way
From the Packers home in good old
And Torontonians, Ernest and young William
From the province whose flower is the trillium.
We had a great time spending the hours
Telling stories and eating Dino-sours
Thanks to you the trip didn’t fail
Even though we didn’t see a single whale.
Heather was busy with soccer again this year
Into the opposition hearts she instilled fear
Whether as a very aggressive defender
Or as a surprisingly good goaltender.
Hannah played for the Chinooks Hearts
Though the weather caused more fits than starts.
When she did get a chance to take to the field
The other team’s defenders had to yield.
It may have seemed like a lot to maneuver
But the extended Watson family met in
To witness brother Tony’s eldest son
Marry the lovely and lucky Alison.
All of Alex’s future in-laws did wilt
At the Watson men dressed in the kilt.
This seems to happen time and again
When we celebrate our heritage Caledonian.
The girls were all dressed up for the wedding
Images of the future their parents are dreading.
Turning lots of head though dressed like young ladies
These girls are no longer our babies.
With that the five of us will call it a day.
We seem to have run out of things to say.
Next year we’ll be back with news of adventures.
That will make you spit out your dentures.