Friday, February 13, 2009

2008 Christmas poem

If Christmas music on your nerves does grate,

As we reach the final weeks of 2008

The Watsons are here to add to your woes

With this year’s compendium in bad prose.


Heather had her first experience at working.

Encroaching adulthood continues to be lurking.

She spent the entire week of Stampede

Serving lots of cowpokes their feed.


A lot of kids go to swim at summer camp.

Hannah prefers frozen water; that scamp.

She went glacier skiing at Mount Farnham.

These kids are lucky, gosh darn ‘em.


As you may very well already know

This season in Fernie there was lots of snow.

Hannah was the only person this did rankle

Because she was at home with a broken ankle.


Jim and Audrey came for a month long visit

Their first trip to the West Coast was exquisite.

While we did our best to show ‘em

How this could be their new home.


Heather went to sea once again with SALTS

And the trip had similarly enjoyable results.

Sailing from Port Hardy to Ucluelet

Was another trip she will never forget.


The rest of us went kayaking near Johnstone Strait

Sightings of orcas to hopefully relate.

Though none were seen, their presence was known

By hearing them spouting and on the hydrophone.


James and Robin with Spirit Of The West

Are guides we would describe as the best.

And we enjoyed meeting the rest of the crew

Amongst them Welsh Pen & Sel and Aussie Drew.


And best wishes to Catherine and Patrick all the way

From the Packers home in good old Green Bay.

And Torontonians, Ernest and young William

From the province whose flower is the trillium.


We had a great time spending the hours

Telling stories and eating Dino-sours

Thanks to you the trip didn’t fail

Even though we didn’t see a single whale.


Heather was busy with soccer again this year

Into the opposition hearts she instilled fear

Whether as a very aggressive defender

Or as a surprisingly good goaltender.


Hannah played for the Chinooks Hearts

Though the weather caused more fits than starts.

When she did get a chance to take to the field

The other team’s defenders had to yield.


It may have seemed like a lot to maneuver

But the extended Watson family met in Vancouver.

To witness brother Tony’s eldest son

Marry the lovely and lucky Alison.


All of Alex’s future in-laws did wilt

At the Watson men dressed in the kilt.

This seems to happen time and again

When we celebrate our heritage Caledonian.


The girls were all dressed up for the wedding

Images of the future their parents are dreading.

Turning lots of head though dressed like young ladies

These girls are no longer our babies.


With that the five of us will call it a day.

We seem to have run out of things to say.

Next year we’ll be back with news of adventures.

That will make you spit out your dentures.

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