Whether for this you love us or hate us
You noticed the poem took a one year hiatus
We are back this year, in force
With rhymes both fine and coarse
While there aren’t exactly any new faces
It seems like it since the girls no longer have braces.
That, however, isn’t the end of all of the pain
Since for this Mum and Dad still are a’ payin’
This year we went kayaking for another loop
Through the Broken Islands Group
Dang! Everyone one became a fan
Of Gomer’s best gal Dana Ann.
Despite worries about if she could keep up
Outside of a double kayak set-up
Heather for the first time paddled solo
Instead we had to implore her to go slow-o
Everyday when we would set out
Hannah would slip the word out
That when we return in a year
She too wants to use the single gear
So the family with whom we paddle
Are under pressure to get back in the saddle
And review all of their camping stuff
To make sure it is totally up to snuff.
Hannah showed lots of soccer smarts
Playing for the Chinooks Benefica and Hearts
Heather also had a really good season of socca
Playing for a team called the Chinooks Boca.
To ski even more, we decided to buy a boat
The best we can say is that it does float
The manufacturer called it an American Eagle
Its initial behaviour was a little less than regal.
After some repairs to the motor
Doing things such as replacing the rotor
Along with a new marine battery
The comments sounded more like flattery.
Wanda ran a marathon in
In hopes of a very special memento
She didn’t fulfill her Boson qualifying quest
But by thirteen minutes she set a personal best
As a Junior High School graduation gift
Heather went sailing on the Pacific Swift
Up the Inside Passage from
For her it was a week long party.
Of course we are ready to start skiing
And a lot of internet time is spent on seeing
In an effort for us to be knowing
When it is going to really start snowing.
Wanda billed more than an hour or two
Consulting at a company named Caribou
She is ready to again hang out her shingle
And wait for the phone to begin to jingle.
Now that our labradoodle has turned three
We think we are really beginning to see
That she has, at least a little bit, settled down
And acts like less of a lovable clown
She will still swim for hours, given a chance
And on long walks loves to bounce and prance
Who do we think we are kidding?
She still only occasionally does our bidding.
Neil, late in November last fall,
Went to a hockey tournament in
The experience was really quite a blast
Despite the team coming in dead last
The other news he has worth confiding
Is that he is keeping up his bicycle riding
And everyday he really tries and tries
To fit in some worthwhile exercise.
And that ends this year in review
All that is left is for us to wish you
The best of the Season’s Greetings
Till our next poetic meeting.
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